DON'T GET MAD (just your opinion)!


I have a 180 gallon tank (60" long x 18"wide x 30" tall, about).
The following is a list of ALL the fish I have (scattered in 3 tanks, a 30, 60, and 90 gallon).
What should (or can) go in the 180 together? Also listed is the current size:
1 Perc Clown (1")
1 Osc Clown (3")
1 Potter Angel (2")
1 Coral Beauty (2")
1 Flame Angel (3")
1 Manderin Goby (2")
1 Emperor Angel (3")
1 Blue Hippo Tang (3")
1 Foxface (5")
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (3")
1 Voliton Lion (8")
1 Porc Puffer (5")
They all seem to get along, it's bioload (obviously) that will be a problem.
The tank is running with 3 canisters (2 fluval 404, and 1 mag 350), 2 bio wheels (emporer power filters 280 & 400), and a Prism 300 protein skimmer (that kicks out way to many bubbles).
Opinions Please?


Active Member
this is your list of fish
1 Perc Clown (1")
1 Osc Clown (3") these you may have issues with but in a larger tank yo may also be able to get away with it I have seen 2 clowns of dif species live together in a large system,if you add them both at the sme time
1 Potter Angel (2")
1 Coral Beauty (2")
1 Flame Angel (3")
1 Manderin Goby (2")
1 Emperor Angel (3")
1 Blue Hippo Tang (3")
1 Foxface (5")
1 Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (3")
1 Voliton Lion (8")
1 Porc Puffer (5")
from what i have read or have done on my own your biggest obsticles are going to be you lions but that doesnt mean it wont work.keep your lions well fed and you shouldt have to big of a problem with them eating your smaller know your fishes attitudes more than than anyone else place the most dominearing fishs in the tank last.good luck with the new tank


Active Member
Ever thought about setting up a nice sump/fuge system? Also I would get a better skimmer to handle the bio-load. It just seems to me like a lot of maintenance with all those filters and added cost to keep them up and running. A sump/fuge would cost some cash up front but I think would save a lot of time, effort and money down the road.


Thank you, many are together or have been mixed, so they get along well.
The two clowns get along, and the lions are mellow.
I also have a Picaso Trigger, but he is way to aggresive for the angels, so I plan to give him away. I also had a second Porc Puffer, but I know I can only keep one.
The the 12 fish are okay for the size tank, given they get along?
The skimmer I will debate on upgrading, only because it causes to many micro bubbles I can not control, any skimmer recomindations.
Tha canisters have no carbon (for minimal opening), and the carbon cartridges on the bio wheels get changed every 3 to 4 weeks.
Maintenance on 1 - 180 gallon tank versus on 3 different tanks will be much eaiser, now only if I can keep all my fish, that would be great.
thank you again.


Active Member
i think the sized fish you have will be fine in that number in that sized tank you have a few that stay on the smaller side(which is a plus) if you have the space to keep up 2 larger tanks you may be able to keep all of your fish.I do highly recomend keeping one of your other tanks set up for new arrivals or as hosp for sick fish.i sold 3 tanks when i set up my 300 then turned right around and replaced them(wish i had known then).I kep a 50 gal set up now for qt and hosp( i have larger fish and would hate to stress one out in a small qt when they are used to so much space