Dont get mad


Active Member
ok dont everyone go and get mad at me, but....i went to the lfs today and had them test my water...ammonia - 0, nitrites - 0, nitrates(forgot, but they were lower than last night), ph - 8 they tried to sell me fish. i only went in to get a powerhead and have my water checked. so i told them that i talk to you guys online and they say not to get fish to try to sell me his point the guy said if i buy the powerhead he will give me 2 i now have 2 clownfish in my tank...they were free...they seem to be happy. they've eaten. they stay together. not much else to say...this ok? they are maroon clowns i believe. they are red and have two white stripes. one in the front and one in the back.


New Member
Sure why not? If they were for free than i would take them to. You don't really have much to loose! I wish all people were thast generous:)


what fish store u go to ? i have bought alot of power heads before and no one has given me a pair of clowns to go with the power head was it a real expensive powerhead?? or is this the same store u got your tank at the guys who burried the salt under the substrate??
well have not followed all your threads lately but the clowns are pretty hardy fish and i am sure they will do well,


Active Member
same store....not an expensive powerhead...aquaclear 402. 35 bucks i think. he wanted to sell me fish, but i said that the people online said it's too soon and what not. well, i cant make him look that good. at first he tried to sell me 2 45 dollar tangs(purple). i said no, i was told they arent good to start with. so then i said i heard clowns were. but i said that i was told my tank isn't ready yet. so i showed him the powerhead i wanted(he tried to sell me a rio, but i heard from here rio's suck), so i wouldnt go with that. so then he said, that for being a good customer that he will sell me the powerhead at full price and not charge me for 2 clowns.


well they are def trying to earn your buss it is a 180 tank right ?? is it a RR i am going to pick up my 200 RR tommorrow how u make out with the southdown i rember u were cursing it up and down


Active Member
yes, 180...yes, reef ready...i hate the's all over my live rock. everytime i blow it off with a turkey baster, guess where it goes...up...and all things that go up must come down, so when it comes down it's right back on the rock...spend the extra money and get all live sand. and especially when i had the groupers, they clouded up the whole tank...what a mess. prefilters have to be cleaned NUMEROUS times. same with foam/mesh thing under the trickle plate.


Active Member
took 2 people. i didnt carry it. no way could i transport something like that. the guy who i bought it from and his worker. they took the tank in. then the stand. or vice versa.


Active Member
dont know the weight. it's doable with 2....maybe get a third. just make sure you have a clean path. and bring the stand in first. it will only give you hell later if you put a 400 pounds glass tank on the floor and hafta try to manuver it and get it in the air. bring the stand in. then get 2 - 3 strong guys to carry the tank in...bum a neighbor if you have to...i personally had the lfs do it. i told them i was willing to buy it but there was no way i could get it home.(i like to bargain)so i told them that im wiling to spend the 1400 bucks or whatever the tank cost, but the only way is if they deliver it for me. i todl them i dont need it set up, but i just needed it delivered and for them to put the tank on the stand. shipping to my house would cost wayyyy too much. my car isnt big enough for it. they tried to charge me an extra fee to do it, but that wasnt gonna float. he wants the sale he will deliver it.


yeah i got the stand set up now going to get it in my truck it is a hour away alot cheaper than anyone close to me could do it for going to put it up on 2 stands so i can put the backing on it and install the drain and return bulkeads first then move it into place


Active Member
ahh, for me it's a 10 minute car ride. so i wasnt gonna pay them to bring it over. the guy owned the store so i didnt feel bad making him carry it. and im sure the other guy got his normal hourly wage. and then you just slip 'em a few bucks to show gratitude.



Originally posted by HNF2K
same store....not an expensive powerhead...aquaclear 402. 35 bucks i think. he wanted to sell me fish, but i said that the people online said it's too soon and what not. well, i cant make him look that good. at first he tried to sell me 2 45 dollar tangs(purple). i said no, i was told they arent good to start with. so then i said i heard clowns were. but i said that i was told my tank isn't ready yet. so i showed him the powerhead i wanted(he tried to sell me a rio, but i heard from here rio's suck), so i wouldnt go with that. so then he said, that for being a good customer that he will sell me the powerhead at full price and not charge me for 2 clowns.

the 402 is 19.99 at big al's


Active Member
i dont know what big al's is....i have a test kit, but they dont charge me when i bring my water there because i bought all my stuff there. so why waste my test stuff instead of theres? no pictures. i dont have a digital camera. my name is harris. any ideal spot for this powerhead? im pretty sure the plug wont reach the surge, so i guess i gotta buy an extension. but i dont wanna get one until i know where i should put the powerhead. the guy at the lfs said in the middle...this right?


and i think they are up near you so maybe no shipping but there shipping is low i ordered $800 of stuff last week and it was over 85 lbs and in 4 box's but it only cost $11.95 for shipping:D


Active Member
i have a 180 gallon reef ready tank with 200 lbs live rock, 4-6" dsb. i have a little giant pump doing about 800 gph. a uv light in the sump, a protein skimmer. i didnt know that i needed multiple powerheads throughout my tank. how many should i get and where should i put them? with the tank came 2 return lines which seem to move the water pretty nicely. how many powerheads should i have throughout the tank and where should i place them?


u have a reef ready tank right and it is 1 180 it has 2 overflows and 2 returns u mean u only have 1 800gph pump in there? running to a T ??? i have a mag 12 in my 75 gall, those overflows can handly 1000 gph, in my 200 RR there will be 2 pumps each one pushing 1050 gph if u only have one pump i would def put another one in for the other return


HNF2K I just wanted to add something here. You are probably getting aggravated by all the people that seem to be jumping on your back but please don't. Remember that none of the people here on the board have anything to gain from telling you how you should proceed with your tank but the guy at the LFS does. Most of the people giving advice here have loads of experience and many times have made the mistakes that they are trying to help you avoid and have first hand knowledge of what they are advising. Everyone here is trying to help contribute to your sucess even though it seems like they are holding you back. Doing it right the first time, although it may take longer, will be much more satisfying than fixing mistakes later. Try not to get discouraged and when listening to advice here or at the LFS remember what one's possible motivation could be for giving it. Hope that makes you feel a bit better. Good luck with the tank it will all come together soon.