Don't know


How do I use an old glass tank for a refugium? I have a 20 nano with an extra 10 gal right below it with some gold fish. How do I convert this to a refugium without drilling anything?


Active Member
You need a pump, overflow and some partitions in the tank. Simple. Fill the tank w/ some macro.
Do you have a more specific question about the subject?
Sometimes it's not how difficult the problem, it's how you ask. That is a broad question.


like the above post stated, you will need to buy an overflow box to take the water from the upper tank and deliver it to the lower one. Then you will need a pump/powerhead that will pump the water back up to the main tank. Simple enough. After you have gotten the water delivery system solved you can add partitions to the sump to keep air bubbles seperate from the macroalgae. And a partition to keep the macroalgae from going into the pump/powerhead. There are many other options you can add to your refuge/sump just search this site and you will find them.

i like fish

I use an overflow box on mine. the only problem is I need about 200 gph to keep the u-tube full. Most people like slower flow through a fuge.


Active Member
You can buy a overflow or if you are handy, make one.
Can you tell us more about your set up. Like were will the refuge be, how much lower than the display? Or anything else. This will help you dicide on a pump.


Thanks to your answers, I have a 10 gal about two feet below my 20 gal nano. I want to use the 10 as a refugium. Now I'm not handy but take directions well. Please help


Active Member
OK, I like magdrive pumps. You will need to have a small one.
That looks like more than 2 feet of head. Measure the bottom of the 10 gallon to the top of the main display. this will tell you how much head.
Then you will need to find a pump that will do the GPH you want with the head you measured.
I didn't look up the magdrive spects, but I think a magdrive 2 is 250 GPH at 0 head. At your head (i'm guessing) of 3.5'/4' it would be (guessing again) 100 GPH. That is a 5x turnover in a hour. That with a small powerhead or 2 would be pretty good.
You will need to measure and do reaseach on some pumps for the GPH you want. Generally speaking 10x turn over for a reef. That includes PH's.
I made my own overflow out of PVC. Unfortunatly I don't have a Pic. I could draw something up for you if you want, let me know.
As for the the refuge, all I did is make a divider out of plexi-glass and used aquarium sealant to glue it in. 2/3 refuge, 1/3 sump. I will also post a pic.
The left is the refuge. The overflow pipe tee's off. One goes back to the sump and one to the refuge. the right is the sump.