Dont tell me wrong clown fish???


Today i bought some small clowns that look just alike. I did everything right this time told the owner to feed them picked out which ones i wanted. I got 1 small and the other a little bet larger. They look just alike but i noticed the bigger one waz kinda goin after the little one but sometimes they will stick close to other and swim. What did i do wrong did i get 1 ocellaries and the other perc clown?? plz help me out im gettin tired of doing something wrong with clownfish? :help: :help:


o yeah if this helps they came from the same tank and there waz nothing but small ones less than a inch and some where about a inch. My bigger one is about a inch and the other small one is like little bigger than half a inch and when I got them they where tank raised and they all formed a little ball. There waz like 20 in the ball of clowns.


ughhh thank u so much. I feel way better now. Not fully cuz i had to give up my beautiful maroon up 2 day. I got 15 doll it but thank u so much! any other request? :joy:


The big clown keeps goin after the little one now!
Y dont the little one do its shimmy on the bigger 1. I have only seen him do it one time


Active Member
My clowns did the same thing at first, and still do occasionally. If you're worried about them being the same species, post some pics and you'll no doubt get feedback.


i will post some pics up but first when i turned off the lights i could see them getting along very well and the whole night they where next to each other. Till I turned the lights on the big one went right back at it with the little one and the little one does the shimmy sometimes :happyfish


it dosent look like the big one is hurting him. The big 1 just seems to be goin after him. I see no marks on the little ones tail or on its skin. It looks normal


Active Member
Well, your first post was yesterday, and if you just got them then, I'm fairly certain this is the pairing that happens naturally. First, the larger one has to determine it's dominance, and it becomes the female. The smaller one will become the male if it's not already. This is natural and I wouldn't worry unless the smaller one starts showing signs that it's actually hurt, though I doubt it will come to that.


Wow im learing alot. I learn something new everyday. I cant wait till nect year and i go into aquatic science because if i dont make it to the nba which is my biggest dream ever I want to be a aquatic scientice but yeah monk i just got them yesterday and they have been in my tank for 16 hours so thats not even a day but when my sister gets home she has a really good camera that takes short videos that last along 1 min so ill show all yall what my tank looks like and what my clowns are doing.