Dont want to over feed


New Member
20 gallon
5 hermits
2 peppermints
1 Sixline wrasse
I cant tell how fast they eat because when i drop a pellet its taken behind the rock and everone fights over it? My question is how do i make sure i feed enough but not over feed?
Im feeding them medium size pellets right now


Active Member
Switch up your feeding. I feed every other day and I have a plethora of frozen foods including homemade food for my fish. On your typical frozen food I'd recommend about 1/4 of a cube every other day or so. Thaw it out in some tank water, turn off your pumps, and use a syringe to add it to your tank. Do it slowly. Should only feed what your fish will eat in about 2 minutes or so. Anything left over your cleaners will get. Better to underfeed if you have enough LR b/c your Sixline will find plenty to eat on the rocks between feedings.