door repair...


Active Member
Awkward topic, but I figured you guys might have some information considering all the DIYers.
We have a sliding glass door out back leading to our porch. It has an old wooden fram, that is not in the best condition, but it works. The problem, is the metal plate it slides on when it opens/closes. The metal plate I beleive is aluminum or similar, and is on the outside when the door is closed. It has a crack running the length of it, and the door slides into this crack and offtrack when opened.
It's hard to explain in words, I'll post a picture when I get time and its daylight out.
Well, I've tried just using an aluminum whatcha ma callit (basically aluminum solder, just can't think of the dang name) with a maps torch, and don't think it got hot enough. I didn't try and fiddle with the O2 settling torch, I could never get it configured right before. I can't replace just the strip, they don't sell them anymore, and if they did, I'd have to take the whole door fram apart.
Any suggestions? - Thanks.