Dorey Fish


New Member
I have a Dorey fish from "Finding Nemo" but I don't know exactly what it is. Lately it has acquired some white area around the face and some white sopts on the body. It scratches itself against rocks and other thing in the tank and I am trying to figure out what is wrong. Someone please tell me what kind of a fish it is and if there are any suggestions of what the problem may be. :help:


Active Member
It is a hippo tang, or a regal tang. The white stuff is Ich. In the deasese forum, in teh FAQs there is the proper way to treat it. What size tank do you have?? what else is in the tank??


Active Member
Not to be rude at all, but you dont sound as though you are very educated about your fish...Perhaps doing some research about SW aquariums and the fish you have will give them a better chance for survival? If i were you i would QT the regal and treat with copper. Read the disease forum too.


I definitely recommend donating your fish to someone who can take care of it and do some research. Sounds like you don't know much at all. DO NOT treat with copper.


Everyone has to start somewhere pusher630. Researching always helps. I have a blue hippo tang (Dori) & her best buddies are the cleaner shrimp. That & making sure your water parameters are excellent keeps these fish from getting ick. I've never had to use any type of med when I keep cleaner shrimp & good water parameters. Hippo tangs will always let you know if something isn't right in your tank. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wesa
Everyone has to start somewhere pusher630. Researching always helps. I have a blue hippo tang (Dori) & her best buddies are the cleaner shrimp. That & making sure your water parameters are excellent keeps these fish from getting ick. I've never had to use any type of med when I keep cleaner shrimp & good water parameters. Hippo tangs will always let you know if something isn't right in your tank. Good luck.

I agree.
Cleaner Shrimp are wonderful additions to any tank! Love them! Luckily I have never had that problem with my blue hippo. Hopefully you will get through this ok!
Keep us up to date.


Active Member
Sorry forogt to add, do not put in any shrimp until your tank has been cleared of the ich. You want to give them a healthy tank to live in!


Maybe I was just lucky but I was told to add the shrimp to Dori's tank because the shrimp eat the ick parasite. That's what I did & that's what they did.


Active Member
My cleaners do one heck of a hob cleaning. But beware they are little thieves when it's feeding time!! Hard to feed some of my corals meaty foods because the cleaners will attack. I have to keep them at bay with my scraper and my scaper stays very clean

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
Sorry forogt to add, do not put in any shrimp until your tank has been cleared of the ich. You want to give them a healthy tank to live in!
Why? shrimp can not contract or carry ick.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Why? shrimp can not contract or carry ick.
True and a cleaner shrimp can get rid of it to.


New Member
I have a 45 gallon tank. Water condition is good. Already have a cleaner shrimp. Can more be added? Have started treating the ich.


Active Member
a 45 is way to small for a hippo tang. They need lots of swimming room, and shouldnt be put into a tank smaller than a 125.
Glad to see your treating for ich. However, he will probailly just contract it again as they get stressed easily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
a 45 is way to small for a hippo tang. They need lots of swimming room, and shouldnt be put into a tank smaller than a 125.
Glad to see your treating for ich. However, he will probailly just contract it again as they get stressed easily.
one thing no ever asks when they see a small tank with any tang it seams to be an automatic call for the tang police.but no asks how big is the tang?
i have seen tangs for sale less than an inch long if its under 4 inches it will do fine in a 45 for some time tthey are not extremely fast growers but will need an upgrade once it reaches 4 inches. as for cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasses yes they do wonders for getting rid of the paresite but are well known for dying out from starvation once the paresite has been erraticated. make sure you feed you new hippo tang lots of algae based typed foods she will need mulitipal feedings daily 3-4 times(tangs eat alot but also poop alot)some good foods for her will be formula 2 frozen cubes(thawed) veggie flakes(by omega one)emerald entrese(my tangs love this) and as a treat(not a staple food diet)seaweed selects or nori sheets.tangs are notorious ich magnets and prone to latteral line errosion if not fed properly.some meaty foods are ok but they require high amounts of veggie typed foods to ensure good health.drop me an email ill be more than happy to send you a link to a very popular and good web site to help with setting up and maintaning your new tank and fish my addi is the forum rules prohibit me from posting a link here


Active Member
once again guys!!!!! pay attention... if u treat for ich with hypo, it will NEVER come back again unless introduced into the aquarium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there are mny myths regarding ich.... i have two tangs and some other fish, they all had ich, i hypo'd them for 6-8 weeks, they never had it again, and have their stressful moments too...... lol
so get as many tangs as you want (room providing) and hypo them b4 adding them


Active Member
Completly agree with you. The reason for me saying that is people become attached to there fish, and might try to keep the tang in the 45 for its life. That would be a problem, and i believe that you will agree with me on that.
It is easier to get rid of a small fish that is healthy, then a larger fish that is not healthy.
The WHOLE DT would have to get treated with ich... he has a cleaner shrimp in there that would not survive hypo.


Active Member
greeeaaaattt now were all confused...
can cleaner shrimp contract
if hypo is done on the fish in a separate qt tank and there is nothing for the ich to feed off of in the display for the life cycle of the parasite the problem would be solved..
make sure nothing is in the display tank that may feed the ich. treat the fish and reintroduce to the display ..... simple in my eyes but then again i've never introduced the parasite to my display before. and never had a problem with it.


shrimp cannot contract or carry ich, for that matter neither can anything else except your fish. Ich is a fish only disease


Active Member
Shrimp can not contract ich. I misyped earlier. Would not survive Hypo. Edited so no confusion will take place
if seperate HT hypo is done for all fish, then must remain in there for 6-8 weeks to ensure that all stages of the parasite are dead in the MT, as they need fish to survive.