Dori has gone YELLOW!


New Member
I have a 5" Blue Hippo Tang, and recently noticed that whenever she eats fresh romaine lettuce, all of the black on her body turns yellow like her this normal! When it turns, she swims around my tank like her tail is on fire, and it lasts about 5 seconds each time. Then when it turns back to black, she starts to eat more and it does it over again.....
I also notice that her blue and black coloring is more vivid after her little spaz attacks.....


romaine lettuce is bad to feed tangs or anything saltwater.
Get nori sheets from the LFS or asian market that are raw unseasoned.
Anything that is grown on land will have fertilizers and pesticides in them that will harm them or kill them with time. you might post this in the disease and treatment forum and see if there might be something else but seems to me there might be somehting in the effecting the fish.
But here is the general rule DO NOT FEED anything that is grown on the land or grown or lives in Freshwater.*freshwater feeder fish to aggressive fish like lions and trigger*.


Active Member
That's weird I almost want to see it happen because it sounds cool but I'm sure it doesn't make the fish happy at all.


Active Member
I dont call it yellow, I call it a silver color....The black on mine will often turn a siverish color when IMO, the fish gets exited....most of the time when it attracted to its reflection or simular, sometimes it last up to 5 minutes....I have had it 5 years so far and its always done this from time to time......if yours is truely a yellow color then it could be a differance in our lighting or maybe something different that is wrong with your fish, but I doubt it and its just excited....