Dori has ich


Wow, my 100 gallon tank has been up and running for over a year with absolutely no problems. I have not added anything to the tank in over 6 months, but tonight old Dori is covered with white spots. What happened? I have corals so I can't treat her, or can I? Any help would be appreciated.


By "Dori" I assume you are talking about a hippo tang. They are very susceptable to ich. It is possible that the ich has been living in your tank undetected since your last fish purchase. Do you have a qt? If you do, remove all of your fish and perform hyposalinity in the qt. Let your display run fishless for 6 weeks. In that time without a fish to host the ich will have died off in your display.


I just went through this and unfortunately mine died. I tried Kick Ich and despite what many have said here, it seemed to work. Unfortunately she got popeye and went blind. Do not wait, treat ASAP, mine was named Dori too. If you have the means for a QT, do it, if not Kick Ich is reef safe.
Good Luck.


Staff member
Wow, you have never noticed ich on any fish? Can you post a picture?
Did you add any water from any other tank? Anything that came from another tank?


Nope, I have never noticed ich before in this tank. I have had a few fish get it before in my old 55, but this tank has been up and running almost 2 years now, and no fish in there have ever showed any spots at all. I will try to get a picture tonight. Dori looks better today, with just a few spots. I have added nothing to this tank in months. My water comes from my RO/DI filter.


my blue hippo had ick and i soaked her food in garlic and also added marine c to my display and it was gone in no time my hippos name is dori 2


My baby hippo went through alot when I first got her, she went into QT when I got her, she got ich, used copper treatment, advise from LFS, she was in there for 6 weeks, I put her in the main tank on Monday (150g), and today she has a spot and is flashing.
My LFS told me not to panick that they will do this and then it goes away. He told me that he knew of one guy that everything he did a water change his hippo would get ick, but would go away.... I do have a UV on the 150 tank. I am not sure what to do, wait and see....she only has one spot. Has anyone else had this happen? No other fish seems to effected. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, Salinity 1.025


How did you make your garlic soak? I haven't tried that yet, but want to.


i chop up some fresh garlic and get a little water from your tank and let it soak with it food for a hour or so and then take out the carlic and add food also get some marine c its good stuff


Thank you so much, I did order some garlic X, or what ever it is called. I do have some marine food that has garlic in it also. Willing to try ANYTHING to get my hippo from coming down with ich.


Staff member
Bottled garlic does not work. Please read the info on garlic in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.