Dorm Nano


Active Member
Hey guys. It's been quite a while since I have asked a question on here. But I am completely psyched to be doing so now. So I have been without tank for a long time and I am having serious withdrawals. So I want to start a nano tank. I have been thinking freshwater for a long time, but now I am playing with the idea of a saltwater tank. The problem is that I live 2 hours from home and when I go on a vacation won't be able to care for the tank. After all my winter break is a month long. It also needs to be a tank that can be transported during the summer (with hopefully minimal losses).
So I am wondering if fish are out of the question. Fish won't survive a month long fast. I would be willing to drive out and care for the tank but could only manage to do so once a week or so. Of course there are automatic feeders and the like, but I have always hated them. I am a big fan of doing this right also. So even if I started this tank prior to christmas break, it would not be stocked until well after. So this year is fine, but next year the problems will arise.
So your suggestions can be of a wide nature. I have always wanted a seahorse tank, but am afraid that this is neither the time nor the place for such a fragile creature.
The tank would have to be a maximum of 30 gallons and a minimum of 5 gallons. I am no stranger to coral either.
So what do you think?
Do not consider money at this time. What would you do in this situation?


Active Member
I have always like the oceanic 29g HQI Biocube. It has a refugium built in, etc. You could always do some coral and maybe a mandarin. It feeds itself lol.


Well-Known Member
I would do a 5 gallon all-in-one nano tank. No substrate, because when you go to bring it home for summer the sand is going to muck up the chemistry.
SO....barebottom....5 gallons....and enough lighting for perhaps some Zoas and Ricordeas, and maybe an Acan frag or two. As for fish, 5 gallons would be perfect for a couple nano gobies, maybe a court jester goby and a red head goby.
When I was younger I actually had a small 6 gallon hex tank that I schlepped back and forth from college. It was a freshwater tank, but it was definitely relaxing to be able to keep it at school. I brought mine home for winter break, personally I think you're better off doing that than trying to find some one or some feeder for the month long break.
And I'm sorry but is not the time to keep seahorses. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///t/393109/dorm-nano#post_3494697
I would do a 5 gallon all-in-one nano tank. No substrate, because when you go to bring it home for summer the sand is going to muck up the chemistry.
SO....barebottom....5 gallons....and enough lighting for perhaps some Zoas and Ricordeas, and maybe an Acan frag or two. As for fish, 5 gallons would be perfect for a couple nano gobies, maybe a court jester goby and a red head goby.
When I was younger I actually had a small 6 gallon hex tank that I schlepped back and forth from college. It was a freshwater tank, but it was definitely relaxing to be able to keep it at school. I brought mine home for winter break, personally I think you're better off doing that than trying to find some one or some feeder for the month long break.
And I'm sorry but is not the time to keep seahorses. :)
Yes, seahorses are out of the question. I just wanted to share my deep longing to keep them. But if I can't do something right, then I won't do it at all. I may look around for a shapely tank of approximately 5 gallons and I love your suggestions! You just gave me a great idea btw. Let me know what you think of this. It may be stupid:
So I have a small tank plumbed with a sump. The sump is basically just saltwater that is aerated and kept moving. It is hooked up to, but not running. I set a pump on a timer. That way, when I go home for a period of time, half way through the break the sump kicks on and essentially does a water change for me. Again, that may be ridiculous. What do you think?