Dosing Cupramine???


Ive decided to treat my ich with Cupramine because I have some handy. I have ready tons of post on it and everyone says to check the levels twice a day.
According to the label it says to dose the system on day 1 to .02 and then again on day three the same amount. Then dont treat the tank at all for a total of 14 days.
I am seting up two 10 g tanks to treat all my fish and I plan to do 1 gallon dailey water changes to keep my amonia and nitrates down. How should I dose my QT's?


Staff member
Of course, you can do what you think best, but I would recommend hyposalinity over cooper. It is safe and non-toxic.
How many fish are you planning on putting in a 10-gal tank?? Keep in mind that, if you are just setting the tank up, it will be very difficult to maintain water quality in a newly set up tank—especially one this small. Using copper will make it that much more difficult, especially since you will need to be doing major water changes just to keep the tank from cycling. Additionally, need to re-dose the tank [or make-up water] as you change out water.