Holy crap. Yup, its a Decorated Goby. Somewhat rare, atleast around here. I dont see many people with them at all.
And yes, they are pretty tough
They love meat, and have no problem swiping food from other fish that would normally be considered more "aggressive". Mine frequently takes food from my Valentini Puffer and Dwarf Lion. He will swim right up and snatch it lol. I have also seen him try to launch himself at my Blue Devil Damsel too
But he cant catch it. I dont know though, I noticed I was missing one of the Damsel this morning, there's only one left, so maybe he did get it
They will also attack live Ghost Shrimp, mine loves 'em.
Its a good goby for a semi-aggressive or aggressive tank. They get pretty big and plump too HAHA. Mine is like almost 5" long now. They can definitely hold their own. Loves to take control of the sand too lol and keeps its nice.