Dots with legs..Pods or Hydroid Jellyfish....


On searching this page, most say that tiny dots (white) with hair like legs are "pods" I did find a site searching...."Tiny spots with legs" about half way down the page...
Are these things the same as "pods"??
I suddenly have a bunch in my tank, I will post a link to my pictures in a few minutes...
Are they good or bad?
Thank you!


you have hydroids i dont know anything about them other than that they will eat pods and other small critters in your tank someone should be able to tell you more


Active Member
yep thats exactly it. i had the same thing that i identified from rons page as hydroid jellies. kinda cool little things as they actually walk areoun the glass but very very tiny. like the size of a pinhead. i had about 9 of them that were only on my front glass and were gone in about a week. i even left algae squares where they were when i did tank maintenance and i had like 9 green squares all over my front glass, however, just as ron stated after about a week, they just disappeared! congrats on id'ing a cool little guy in your tank, but saver the moment cause he wont stick around for long!
good luck


You may use any photo I post, for any reason, especially as reference!!
Here is another, as close as I can get as they are 1mm size, if they grow bigger, I will take more, I did try higher resolution, but the pics are to big for here...anyway..


any way you like, not looking for credit..just HTH!! I like the eng50 better, IMO. Thanks for having such a great board as a resource for the way, along with these came tiny small patches of "hair" sticking straight in from the glass smaller than these creatures, I'm assuming its hair algea? It seems greenish in color and there is only a 1mm patches here and there, I thought they were the same as the hydroids, just not developed but as I said, different color..any input would be appreciated..Thanks


Slothy, that would be awesome, it would cut down on a lot of repeat questions etc, and I think we would get lots of good .02


ok here it is, getting late, so may not be as good, tough to get a side shot, cna work on technique later..