

New Member
I just perchased a dottyback at my nearest pet shop that is very informative and i added him to my 29 gallon with my coral beauty, maroon clown and bi colored angel. my dottyback hid in the live rock caves and didnt come out intill this morning i found him dead. im think that he died because he didnt eat anything. Im going to bring back my bi colored angel becasue he is not getting along with my other fish. the shop said that he might work and to try it. please tell me what you can about the dottyback, thank you


I have a royal gramma and he seems to be a pretty peaceful fish. My lawnmower blenny used to chase him around so I moved the blenny over to another tank. He may have hid in the rock because either the maroon or bicolor could have been aggresive towards him. What size is your tank? How big are the other 2 fish? How much live rock?


I missed the part about the 29 gallon tank. That may be a bit small for the combination of fish. The marron and bicolor might get territorial in that small of a tank. This could lead them to be aggresive to any new additions.