double helix u/v sterilizer


New Member
I was thinking about getting the double helix u/v sterilizer for my 90 g FOWLR.
I have an overflow and sump. Can I slice the return line from the sump back to the aquarium and connect the u/v sterilizer in between? Or do I need a separate pump/powerhead for the u/v sterilizer?


that is exactly how i was told to do it and how i did mine just make sure the u/v can be effective at whatever rate of flow your return pump is


that should work great just remember if you are thinking of ever moving to a reef or even keeping a few corals or inverts you will probably have growth problems due to the fact that the uv light used in sterilizers is called uv-c light. it kills everything... good and bad. but if you are sticking with fowlr then that will work great.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the advice!
I'm kind of new at this and want to make sure I get it right the first time...