Downsizing...Help Please!


I am breaking down my 55g reef and transfering the majority of it (I won't be able to keep everything :( ) to a 30 breeder or 37 show.
My first question for all of you experienced guys is whether there is a noticable difference in value between Oceanic and All Glass Aquariums.
Another question is how long I should wait to transfer my animals over to the new tank if I am using the same live rock and sand that is in my establisjed reef (set up for about 18 months).
Also, the reason I am changing is because I want a smaller aquarium, and I hate the design of the 55g. Totally useless for me anyway. Nothing against all of you 55 fans. So, if any of you guys have a favorite tank that you like that is smaller and "more portable" than the two I listed above, please feel free to voice your opinions. Thanks a lot!!


Active Member
i hanged my 55 to a 30 and it went ok.
Be careful when putting your animals in, i would QT them for ahwile before putting them in your new smaller tank. When you move the LS it might cause a "mini cycle" Mine did the same thing and all my fishies died. Im now in the process of recycling my tank:(
Hope this helps.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i think there is a substantial difference between AGA and Oceanic. Although made by the same company Oceanic tanks generally use thicker glass and just seem to be build stronger.


Why you guys didn't you like the bigger tank? I'm thinking of going bigger, but should I just be happy with my 37g?


Oceanic is definitly better. They make 30 and 37 gallon cubes. Is that what your thinking about? I want one really bad!!!!


Active Member
Lopey, go bigger. WIth a bigger tank you have more room for error, especially if yo uare a newbie. Im still a newbie, but i need the space. I liked my 55 i just couldnt afford to fill it:eek: