

New Member
i have to get rid of my 80gal but i can't bear to lose all of it. i could prolly manage to keep the 10gal i had for quarantine. what could i put in there? i would keep about 10 lbs of rock, soft corals, and one clownfish. but after that i don't know how many of the inverts to keep. how many of these can i keep in a 10 gal?
i currently have,
2 brown striped hermits
1 electric blue hermit
3 mexican redtip hermits
3 emerald crabs
1 hawaiian strawberry crab
2 peppermint shrimp
1 fighting conch (aquacultured)<--he really helps with the cyano
1 turbo
5 nerite snails
2 super tonga nass. snails
about 10 reg nass snails
about 15 or so cerinth snails
1 banded brittle star about 12"
1 pink brittle star about 14"
i also have a bicolor blenny i really like, would him and the clown be too many fish for a 10 gal? it would have hob filter rated for 40gal and 1 koralia, no skimmer


Active Member
The clown alone is really close to being overstocked. If it gets full grown, it will definitely get too big. IMO get a friend who can hold him for you. Im sorry to hear about the downgrade, but it looks like youll have plenty of potential. Good luck