Dragon eel and clown trigger?

I was wondering if could keep a hawiian dragon in with a fairly decent sized clown trigger about 5 to 6 inches or so. Does anyone think this could work or would the eel attack the clown? I have read about them being that mean in other posts but was thinknig this could work out.


i asked a similar question but a tessleta instad of a dragon and got mixed responses but i perwsonally feel it should work both of these eels can be pretty nasty just keep an eye on the tank to make sure they get along somewhat
they would be good together. ask the lfs what they have been feeding the dragon. it is usually frozen foods,but if they feed the dragon live foods forget it. if both are well fed and given their space it should work out. i have a dragon with a undulate and clown trigger and they dont seem to bother each other.