Dragon Goby

nyy fan

My LFS has told me (notice that I check with you guys before making any purchases :D ) that a Dragon Goby would be a good first addition to my tank. It seems that they are not only hardy, but excellent substrate cleaners.
Does this sound right? Also, what do you feed them if they are your only fish?


Active Member
yeah, they are excellent substrate cleaners, but they are brackish water fish(may do ok in sw, but......)
and they get upto 14 inches, that is rather large for a 37 gallon tank
and do you have or want a dsb??, fi so, they will tearup your life in it, bad, especially whsn they get large


They are also called sleeper banded gobies, They are sand sifters and I have heard that they are really hardy. I have heard that they are great scavengers as well and I was told that they would eat brine. I was going to get one too, but I got a algae blenny instead.
I would say that it would be a good addition, but I don't know if they will clean CC as well as they do sand. I think that they need a place to burrow too.


Active Member
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. why do they always do that, nick name one awsome fish with the same name as antoher,
I HATE WHEN THEY DO THAT, but i guess it is not as bad as the lfs's selling you a fish that is not even close to what they say it is
in that case, i would make sure that i knew exactly which one i was getting or looking at and research, and or come back for info, before purchasing

nyy fan

To answer some of your questions:
1. I don't have a DSB, I have Carib-Sea CC Aragonite...it just looks like crushed shells.
2. I just wanted something friendly to clean the bottom for me...have been hearing some dreadful crab stories on this BB lately.
I told her that I have a 37G...do you really think this fish gets to be 14" long?
Also, what exactly is an Algae Blennie? That sounds small and cleaner-like. :cool:


Active Member
if it is hte sleeper goby that kyarnkid mentioned, no, ifit si a dragon goby,then yes it gets that long,<a href="http://www.whozoo.org/Anlife2001/johangus/jg_dragonfish.htm" target="_blank">web page</a>
if that is it in those pics(on that web page above, then yeas)
<a href="http://saltaquarium.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.actwin.com%2Ffish%2Fspecies%2Ffish.msql%3Ft%3D8%26c%3D11%26f%3D2" target="_blank">web page</a>or if it is this one, no it only gets about 6 inches at max


Active Member
algae blennies are relatvely small, and coooooooool, they are often sold under the name lawnmower or sailfin blenny, and your lfs probaly has some


I have a Sleeper Goby that cleans my tank very well... he is in a 20 gal with a CC bed, and he does a pretty good job of cleaning it.. they also make a little cave for themselves and its just fun to watch him swim around.... they only get to about 4-5 inches... (BIG GOBY) lol

nyy fan

Thanks for the advice!
So the Algae/Sleeper/Whoever Blenny/Goby are alright to put into a newer tank? I just want to make sure they are not like Mandarins, and need a mature set-up. Like I said before, it would be the only fish, so there would be no scraps...


Active Member
oh no, we added ours a couple of days after we finished the cycle, and they do NOT eat pods, only algae, we also suppliment his diet with algae wafers, and seaweed


hey hub,
I fed my algae blenny a full wafer the other day and there are still peices of it laying around, is this bad?


Active Member
not as long as it is eating, between the algae and the wafers, he is still eating, then, ok, ours only eats some of it, and then grazes on the tank too, back and forth, if he is not eating either, then is when i wuould worry