Dragon Moray Problem, Need Help!


If you have been reading my recent posts, you know my story.
I added a grouper last Saturday that the board helped me decide was going to get too big to be with my Hawaiian Dragon. I returned that grouper on Tuesday and used the credit to get a smaller Blueline Snapper. The snapper has been doing just fine since I added him... no marks no stress, eating well, etc.
The eel, just recently--like today-- has started acting funny. Now, I know they usually have odd behaviors anyways, but he is rubbing one eye on the rocks around his face at times. He also may be breathing a bit slower than usual. Come to think of it, he has also done another thing I haven't seen him do before-- he stretches his mouth open wider than usual at times today. Other than that he looks fine. There is no visible signs of a parasite or a wound where he is scratching and everything on him looks normal.
He has been in this tank for over seven years with no problems. He has even survived an entire tank wipeout a few years back. This is why I don't think it is something like ich. Also, I can't see anything on the eye and it looks normal.
The only thing that has changed in the tank recently is the additon of the fish and the addition of two new powerheads to help circulate the water a bit more because I ordered 50 pounds of LR to add to the tank (it is arriving next week).
What can I do for him besides the regular stuff like stress coat and monitoring the water? I can't see any physical problem with him.
I am hoping that I am overreacting. Like I said, this guy has been here a very long time and has survived many additions and many problems. Also, because he is an eel, he tends to just act strangely at times (I remember one time he wouldn't eat for a few weeks). I know dragon morays are pretty hardy so I have my fingers crossed. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


One other recent change...
I added more salt to the tank between the day before yesterday and yesterday. I usually keep it kind of low to avoid things like ich, but I wanted to raise it a bit because I am adding the new live rock next week. It went from specific gravity of 1.019 to right between 1.021 and 1.022 over the course of those days. I don't think this will make a big difference, but this is another change I thought I should mention.


Active Member
Pretty much any moray species are hardy fish. For one thing, they can't get ich...so, don't worry about it. First thing you need to do is bring that salinity up. It's way too low. You need to shoot for 1.024 - 1.026 and keep it there.
Check your pH and make sure it's in line.
The eye itching, I'm not sure...mine does that and has never had any problems. The slower breathing and the gaping mouth are normal...nothing to worry about there.
What type of filtration are you running on your tank? Also...how large was the Dragon when you purchased it, those 7 years ago?


Thank you for the help! Your information is relieving...
I will raise the salinity.
For filtration, I'm using an Amiracle MR-200 and a Red Sea Prizm Pro skimmer. I also use a Skilter 400 with the extra skimmer on the other end of the tank for backup (yeah, I know, I know... not the best thing in the world-- but it's a backup!) Finally, I have various Rio 800 powerheads to keep the water moving nicely.
To be honest, I can't remember how big he was when I first bought him. I remember that even tiny pieces of rock dwarfed him and now he dwarfs them. Also, I used to feed him smaller things like krill and clam strips etc. and now he is eating larger things like squid and bigger pieces of fish, whole clam, etc.
By the way, I looked into his size again after the other day and he must be closer to about 20" now.
Thanks for your continued help over the past week! Your input is going to make for a much better environment in my tank! I can't wait till the 50 additional pounds of LR arrives next week too! I think I am overreacting with the eel. He is my favorite fish so I tend to be "protective" on him.


I'd pull those Rio's out've the tank, and replace them with something more reliable....Seio, Maxi-Jet, or Tunze's. There's been countless wipe-outs reported from Rio's frying in the tank, and electrocuting the livestock. Would hate to see your DME get fried over a $30 powerhead.


Has the Rio thing been a current issue? After reading up on it, it looks like this issue was big back in 2000, but things have been sorted now. I'm not saying I want to risk it, I'm just wondering if it is a big issue. I also worry because I am using one of those Amiracle hang on filters on my 55 gallon and that uses two 800s as well. I dont even know how I'd switch those because I'm assuming I'd need ones that pump the same gph and are the same dimensions to fit in it.


Active Member
I don't know if it's current, after they fixed things or not...but I still wouldn't risk it.
There were also instances, from people online, talking about how their Rio's would fry and then spew oil into their tanks, from the motor.


Wow, what a helpful board this is! So full of information you cannot find anywhere else! Thanks everyone!


that would suck if your really expensive eel died because you didnt feel like replacing a cheap powerhead. i would kick myself so hard....


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
that would suck if your really expensive eel died because you didnt feel like replacing a cheap powerhead. i would kick myself so hard....
This isn't about not feeling like replacing something. I would like to look into good replacements. And as stated above, I need to find something very similar because they are also running my Amiracle hangon wetdry on my 55. I would need both of them to pump about 211 gph and one would also need a venturi attachment for the skimmer on the hangon.
If I will be replacing them, I'd like to replace them all at one.
Who has some good ideas about what would fit in terms of size, options, and gph?
PS: I have been using rio pumps in my tanks for over 8 years with no problems. I do maintain them (take them apart and clean them, etc.) every other month.


ViaAqua Water Pumps
What does everyone think of these? These have a venturi adapter, look to be the same size as the rios, and pump 200 gph (close to the 211gph on the rios)
The only thing that scares me is these are cheaper than the rios.


Active Member
Just an FYI...we're not allowed to post links to competitors site, here. You're fairly new and haven't done it before (probably didn't even know it wasn't allowed).
Just thought I'd tell you before the mods had to. Before they get the chance to delete it, I'd go back and edit your post, removing the link.
Back to the topic at hand...
Personally, I don't think your filtration is up to par with the size tank you have, the small amount of live rock (I know you're getting more) and the expensive livestock you have.
First thing I'd do is to ditch the bioballs, in your wet dry...those things are nothing but bad news. Either replace the bio balls with live rock or leave that compartment completely empty.
I just went back and read that you're using a Red Sea Pro. While the website states that they're suitable for up to 300gal tank, realistically you're looking at only aprox. 150gal. I'd invest in another one of those and use them along with the wet dry.


Thanks for that info... I haven't posted here regularly since around 2001 as you can see.
The skimmer has worked well for me for a long time, but I am open to suggestions.
I am first worried about the pumps. I am trying to find something that will fit for the amiracle on my 55.