Dragon Moray?


Ever since seeing AW2's eel I have been thinking aobut getting one. My questions is.
Is 120 gallon tank big enough?
How big do they get?
I saw one in a store yesterday it looked like one but the only difference was it did not seem to have the colors that others I have. It did not have any orange on it's face. But on the tank it had dragon moray as the listing. Is there more than one speices?
I guess the next biggest question is how would he do with a larger angle and Naso Tang?
Are they really agressive?
The one yesterday seemed to be about 18-20 inches long if I had to guess I could not see all of him or her.


Yes there is two diffent types
One is the Hawian dragon moray
these guys would be fine with the other fish as long as he could not get them into his mouth
the only problem with Hawian dragon morays is that they start at about 1000 dollars
The mexican dragon morray is also known as the jeweled moray from what i understand.
I personally have only seen one jeweled moray. He was MEAN as soon as put your hand in the tank he would come out of his hidign place just to bite ME or ANY BODY else who stuck there hand in his tank


Active Member
Well, I had this big long post, all typed out for you, and then the power supply on my computer crapped out on me. lol I had to replace it, real quick....now, let's see if I can remember everything I was writing.
A 120gal. would be find for a single DME, or maybe a pair with no other fish. Males max out around 34" - 36" and females around 30" - 32". A 120gal is not, however, big enough for a large Angel or a Naso Tang, as you suggested.
There are two TRUE species of Dragon Moray...the Hawaiian Dragon and the Japanese Dragon.
The Hawaiian Dragon are the most common. They have a light to dull orange from the their throats to the tip of their snout. Their bodies are often tan, brown, grey or a combination of all three.
The Japanese Dragon is commonly red to dark red, from throat to snout. Body coloration is a darker brown, tan and sometimes reddish orange. The snout of a Japanese DME is also longer and come to a sharper point, than the Hawaiian DME. The snout is also slightly more curved than the Hawaiian.
Regarding the Brazilian/Mexican Dragon and the Jeweled Moray:
There's alot of controversy between these three. Brazilian/Mexican Dragon are common names but they've been so widely used, it's difficult to tell which is which now.
Below, I'm listing pictures of the Hawaiian Dragon, the Japanese Dragon, the Mexican/Brazilian Dragon and lastly, the Jeweled Moray:
My female Hawaiian:

A Japanese Dragon:

A Brazilian/Mexican Dragon:

The Jeweled Moray:


Active Member
Originally Posted by kraut59
Beautiful moray's AW2.

Those arent all mine...just the first picture.
I was just including pics, of the different species, so people would know what they look like.
Sorry the last picture turned out so small...I didnt realize it till now.


Well what I saw looked like the one in the last picture. It was lable Dragon moray and beside that is said $195. I had a feeling it was not a Hawaiian Dragon with the price but I was not sure if maybe they got there color when they got older and this one was just a baby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mistergn10
Well what I saw looked like the one in the last picture. It was lable Dragon moray and beside that is said $195. I had a feeling it was not a Hawaiian Dragon with the price but I was not sure if maybe they got there color when they got older and this one was just a baby.
Juveniles dont look any different than adults. There are no color changes between juvenile, sub-adult and adult ages.
The last pic is a Jeweled Moray. And, with a price of $195, it's an expensive Jeweled. I hear, sometimes, that people on the west coast can get Hawaiian Dragons for around $600, as they're closer to Hawaiian, but you'll commonly see them for $1000 or more. Here, in Chicago, I havent found one for less than $1500. A local fish store, that has a male Hawaiian Dragon for $2000, offered me $3000 for my female and I turned them down. Pairs will often go for double, if not triple the price for a single. There's a store, here in town, that had a pair a while ago and they were asking $8000 for them.
They do not breed in captivity...let me rephrase that...they've NEVER bred in captivity (not even in public aquariums). However, with the shipment of 7 more HDMEs that I'm getting, I'm having them all DNA tested to make sure I have equal numbers, for 4 pair. My best friend works for Shedd Aquarium, here in Chicago and he has put me in contact with the Director of Fish Collections. He is sharing info with me, that Shedd has been researching, about breeding Dragons in captivity. I'm not sure if it'll work or not, but wouldnt it be something incredible to be the first person to ever breed them in captivity?


Active Member
AW2 i dont know if i told you this before but your eel is beautiful my favorite eel!
i want to set up a 260 shark and ray tank with a DME but im too busy as is 2 dogs, 1 90 gallon reef ,1 29 gallon seahorse tank in the making , ohhh yeah and school ( im 12 )