Dragon Wras pic


nolo your pretty much right i'll see him for 15-30 mins in the morning then maybe not till 4-5pm for another 15-30 mins... also had to dish him out of my overflow twice now.....other then that great fish..


I saw one of those the other day very cool looking. I really liked it am interested in getting one. Would it fit in al right in my system(see sig.). the rock moving sounds very cool. I also have hermits, would they be alright.


Active Member
Killa, I don't know how they would do with the wrasse you already have. Most readings say more than one large wrasse in a tank is asking for trouble. 6 foot of space might be tough for two aggressive wrasses.
I know I'd love one too but I don't think it would work with my red coris wrasse.


just an exp i had with a dragon wrasse. at night, or when mine 'slept' he would burrow under the sand. then in the morning, u would see him spring out from under the sand and shake off. it was pretty interesting. I swore he was missing or dead, only to observe this.
just my tid bit.