dragon wrase?


New Member
ok just got a dragon wrase.. funny little green and white fella that likes to hide out under the sand 1/2 the day..
any ideas on what kind of food he will take? I have tried
fronzen myasis(?sp) which are small shrimp like (larger than brine)
but he didn't seem to interested in that...
any ideas???


I'm hoping that you knew about this fish before you bought it, but sometimes the lfs' slip one past unsuspecting customers, so a few things you may not know about the dragon wrasse. Also called the Rockmover wrasse, and for good reason. They are notorious for flipping over large pieces of rock and rubble and will topple corals and such, and since they get nearly 12" long, they can move very large pieces. They will also eat small tankmates and many invertibrates, including snails, serpent stars, bristle worms and mantis shrimp. They have been known to jump from open tanks, and when they mature can become very aggressive. Hope this helps.


Active Member
The ones that we get in at the store come in at about 2" or so and usually eat well, be feed enriched brine, blood worms, and special formula VHP and they all like it, sometimes when we get ones in at around 6" they seem to be more stuborn innitally, we feed them ghost shrimp for 2 weeks, which they respond to very well, after that they will usually accept frozen food.