Dragon Wrasse


I was researching the dragon wrasse as a possible addition to my FOWLR tank and was looking for anyone who has had experience with this fish and wanted to know pros and cons of its addition. Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks again!


New Member
I have one of these guys in one of my tanks. They are very cool fish. They like to decorate the tank. Mine is always picking up the hermit crabs and moving them to other parts of the tank. I have not had any problems with him picking at other fish.


Hello,(Novalulichthys Taeniourus)(Razorfish)aka Dragon Wrasse.They will do best if given softsand to bury under,lager ones will eat small fish and inverts if given a chance.Prone to jump out of tanks,they are a beautiful fish. To 12in.


New Member
They do like a softsand bed to sleep in. Also, if startled, they will bury themselves. What other fish are you putting it with?
I've always wanted one of these guys in my tank but have heard good things and bad things about them. I guess they think they are hercules and throw stuff all over the place. Thats what intrigues me. But I have a reef tank and I don't want him throwing rocks at my expensive corals. I'd introduce him to the art of sushi if I saw him do that.


I guess Ihave a problem. My tank is full of inverts. I do not want then to get eatten. I have a cleaner shrimp, feather duster, emerald crab, camel back shrimp, purple lobster, some snails, and a very small yellow tang. The tang is about 3 inches. I was planning on removing the tang and moving the live rock when introducing the dragon wrasse. I am thinking twice about the new addition now. I heard the dragon wrasse can become aggressive with age but I didn't think he was that visious(sp.) Is this wrasse incompatible with my current setup? More help needed. I want this addition to be co-existant with my current inhabitants.


You are going to have problems adding Dragon Wrasse to a tank that has inverts. It will eventually eat them. Also it turns out to be a really ugly adult fish. They are also nicknamed Rock Mover wrasses as they will rearrange your decorations/live rock that you have in there.
I really don't think that it would be compatible with the set up you have now.
[ May 28, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


I have a dragon wrass with hermit crabs, feather dusters, sally light foot crab and a emerald crab. He has claimed one feater duster as his own. He does not hurt it, he keeps it on his pile of shells where he sleeps. I would not try it with the shrimp, I really think he would eat it. I feed ghost shrimp a few times a month and he goes nuts.
I do not think he is ugly either