Thank you, Chain! I definitely want an ORA dragonet in part to support aquaculturing and in part because I couldn't imagine a wild-caught having a chance in a biocube. How old are your oldest captive bred mandarins to date? I worry that although they can eat frozen food, that to maintain health, they should still be subsisting on copepods with frozen food more as supplementation. Captive breeding can get them to eat frozen foods, but it won't change what their bodies were designed to process, and if these guys are grazers in the wild that are perpetually looking for and nibbling copepods throughout the day, I'm worried that even a tank-born dragonet would ultimately do poorly on predominately other foods. I know aquaculturing dragonets is relatively new, so I guess, at this point, there's no way to really know if they can truly thrive on alternative food sources.
I had hoped that culturing pods in a separate 10 gallon tank (giving a population a couple months to explode), and adding some to the display tank every couple days could keep a dragonet fed, but it sounds like you're saying even a breeding colony of copepods in a space that small wouldn't be able to feed a mandarin for long?