Dragonette Blenny???????

big dave

Hello everyone just a quick question and possible help in my search for information. I work at an LFS and recently my manager who orders SW fish and me were goin thru the price lists and saw a newcomer... an Dragonette Blenny. Doing the usual"hey! sounds cool lets order one!" When it came in it was soooo cool! It looks like an overgrown scooter about 6 in. long thats kinda streched out and has a dorsal fin about 4 inches high. Just wondering if anone has ever seen one before and any info. Sorry I don't have a scientific name there wasn't one on the price list. By the way, it only eats tiny ghost shrimp.

mr . salty

Active Member
It is my understanding that a dragonett,and a blennie are two diferent species of fish.Like a tang,and an angel are diferent...

big dave

Salty I know that blennies and dragonettes are differant fish that is was it was on the list as and that is the only name I have for it. Sorry about the confusion. I agree with Grouper in that a better name for it would be a sailfin dragonette.


sounds cool. tell me if you see more about it, sounds like somthing good for my tank.
mail me at sams71over5@aol.com