Drastic Clarity Change in 16 hours


New Member
Sup Guys,
Last night I did a 20% water change (max), installed a new Eheim Pro III cannister filter in place of my two HOTT's and I moved my live rock from one side of the tank to the other. I did this all at 11:00 last night and now ab out 12-16 hours later my tank is getting REALLY cloudy. I didn't kick up THAT much sand so any thoughts on what is wrong here? Here is my tank last night

Here is my tank today

Nitrates 15 (Down from 20 last night)
Nitrites 0 (from 0)
Salt is a little low as I only put 90% as much salt as I should have for the water change (ran out)
Possible causes?
1) When I hooked up the hoses one part wasn't tight so for 15 minutes (max) MASSIVE oxygen and bubbles was being blown into the tank while I figured it out. Could that have something to do with it?
2) I ran out of salt as I said and used some old salt that the lady who I bought the tank from gave me. I don't think salt expires and it doesn't matter if it was the exspensive marine salt right?
3) I cleaned my glass on the front. But as you can tell from teh first picture it wasn't very dirty to begin with.


New Member
So what should I do? Let it settle? The rock isn't going to "re-cycle" right? I just knocked bacteria in the water which now needs to find a new home?

aztec reef

Active Member
well you don't have Salt left to do a waterchange, so you're gonna have to wait it out. another thing that you can do is run some carbon in your filter that should help it..or just ride it out and it should settle by itself. and no it's not going to re-cycle, it's just a spike created by the movement of the liverock..


New Member
Update... 4 days later and I still don't have hte clarity I use to have. On Day 2 I went out and bought enough salt for a 55 Gallon water change (in my 110 gallon tank) that helped a LOT but it still doesn't seem to be getting "better" on its own. How long should I expect this to last and should I be turning off my lights more? Is this considered "Algae related"?


Active Member
clean out filter media and sponges daily. There is probably alot o f junk getting stuck in them. Keep doing water changes.
I had this same thing happen when I pulled a rock out that had an anemone on it. i was giving the anemone away. My tank got really cloudy and I had high phosphates for a few days. I did like 3 water changes (every other day) and it cleared up.