Dreaming today - Future eel tank ideas


Active Member
I was sitting here on this grey rainy Friday, post Holidays dreaming of a future huge tank and wanted to run some idea's past you guys. I guess all the Tessy & Dragon eel talk in the past several days has got me dreaming big.
IF you had a huge tank....say around 500g...96"x48"x24"....what would be more reasonable?
A Tessy for life, or multiple Dragon Moray's? And if so how many?
Anyone ever kept multiple Dragon's...any aggression issues other than at feeding time?


I'd say a Tessy for life... Or a Green if the tank was large enough. I mean, Dragons are awesome, but there is something about having a 6ft.+ eel in a tank... JMO
I agree. Tessy for life and maybe some groupers and the like. Dragon eels are pretty, but can live in smaller tanks than 500 gallons, right?


Active Member
I thought I remembered a guy on here or -- that 4-5 Dragons in one tank. I'm just thinking of 4-5 DME's with a Sohal, Adult Queen Angel, and Adult Broomtail Wrasse.
The Dragon's won't attack fish they can't eat unlike the Tessy.
It's good to have dreams but they normally lead to big expensive things..LOL


Active Member
So I guess what would be nicer.....
A huge tank with a Full Adult Tessy or Green and a ton of Damsels/Chromis.
A huge tank with several Dragon's and a couple of Large fish..Sohal, Queen Angel, Broomtail Wrasse, etc....nothing under 12".


I would say the Adult Tessy/Green just because you really don't get to see that... You can just drop in nearly any meaty item and the big eel will just eat it... Now THAT is cool... JMO...


I would love to see a green with a bunch of damsels! I would go with the dragons over the tessy though.