Dried out previously live rock


I am getting ready to set up a reef tank and was offered around 150 pounds of previously live rock. It is now all dried out and obviously not alive anymore. What I want to know is if I can use the rock in addition to some LR and LS to bring it back. If so how much live stuff do i need to buy. Any advice is appreciated.


Active Member
If you get it for a good price (compared to live) It'll be fine it's the correct chemical composition and a small ammount of good/fresh/cured LR will seed it just fine...
How much..? The more "Live" live rock you "seed" with the quicker the old will rejuvinate...starts with bacteria, then "bugs", then coraline..pretty soon you can't tell it from storebought.
If you have the self control to add livestock (fish corals,inverts and feeding) slowly a small amount of LR will grow with your "bioload"...
If your going for the "instant tank" (you still have to cycle) I'd suggest more LR to "maintain" biological filtration till the old catches up...


Sounds good Im getting the rocks for free so i will wait it out. Now does anyone know the process. Do I need to wash the rock with fresh water and then soak it in sea water to get the dead stuff out? Let me know the best way to do this.


Active Member
You can rinse off visible large crud with freshwater. Don't sweat getting it all off though. I would still let it soak in saltwater for at least a week to be sure that all that crud doesn't re-hydrate and then decompose. Definitaly still good stuff to use, but I'd treat it as if it still needs to be cured. If you are buying LR that needs to be cured at all, I'd let this dried out LR cure the whole time with the new LR. Not only will this be sure you won't get a chemical spike by adding it to your tank, but it will give it a quick boost in bacteria levels as it sits in with the curing LR.