Can a normal 20 long or 29 high bottom be drilled? How can you tell if its tempered (sp?) glass. Does anyone know of a brand that size that could be drilled?
Loooking to put on an existing stand of 31 X 13.
what brand of tank is it? Look up the manufactures website and it should tell you. I know all-glass and oceanic's sites will. Most small tanks (ie under 55g)I believe have tempered bottoms.
I was thinking of going oceanic, but there website doesnt go all the way down to individual product, just product line. Ill look into all-glass.
All-Glass has tempered bottoms. All-Glass company owns Oceanic so it's a good possibility that there bottoms are tempered as well.
Best bet is to research tank manufacturers and call each one and ask them if they temper the bottom glass. Another option would be to buy an acrylic tank.