I am an Eagle scout, avid fisher, hiker, skiier, and basically anything outdoors. I believe in the stewardship of the Earth, but I also believe in taking some things too far. There is a fine line between stewardship of the Earth, and fanaticism/activism. Greenpeace and tree huggers go too far sometimes, taking care of the planet doesn't mean you have to have zero impact. There is a happy medium between utilizing the planet and its resources, and raping the planet as you say, which we're probably doing the latter. But being in business and economics, I also know there's a cost-benefit ratio that is rarely taken into account by conservationists, and the benefit of drilling in Alaska at the current time outweigh the costs to the environment (if done according to the current plan of limited acreage with new low-impact drilling techniques, directional drills, etc.).
And again, if Mr. Peak Oil's book is correct, there's absolutely nothing we can do about it now anyways, so lift another green beer and have a good weekend!