Drilling Live Rock


Does anyone have hany experience drilling LR? I went to my orang hardware store and they only had 1/2 inch pvc pipe. Now the 1/2 inch refers to the inside diamater of the pipe and not from end to end. I would need a "butterfly bit" to make a hole big enough. I noticed a few weeks ago, someone posted a pic of a rock scape and they said they used PVC, but I couldnt find the post. I would like to simulate a natural habitat without loose stacking. I would hate one an LR to fall and crack the tank. What size have you used and what type of drill bit? Also, can I use wooden dowel rods in my tank?


Actually I meant Drilling into the live rock. Is that dooable or did I misunderstand the PVC pipe project


i would think it is possible just make sure there is water over the drill bit so it doent heat and make sure it is a masonry bit. the cutting head will last longer then.


Water over the bit? I wasnt planning to drill inside the tank. This is LR I am currently curing. Will drilling into the rock Destroy the rock?


Active Member
He means pouring water over the drill bit to keep it cool while you're drilling. No... the drilling shouldn't destroy the rock, but it can split if you're not careful. :D


Water over the bit? I wasnt planning to drill inside the tank. This is LR I am currently curing. Will drilling into the rock Destroy the rock?


Drilling on dry hard rock will cause the drill bit to over heat. They're suggesting you pour water on the spot where the drill meets the rock so it keeps the drill bit cool.
I wouldn't use dowls they'll eventually desintergrate.
Why are you wanting to drill the LR anyway? Is this to attach the rock to each other so that your reef stays in one place and doesn't fall apart? This can be a bad idea especially if you ever need to move a piece of rock around to get to something.


I wouldnt suggest drilling them, simply because it will take too much time and effort when you could just stack them....but if you decide to do it make sure to post pics and 'after' shots :D


I have drilled some of my live rocks. I wanted to attach it to some pvc pipes I use so it would be more stable/hide the pvc pipes. I didn't really think anything of it. I just took my drill and grabbed one of my bigger drill bits and went to it. The rock was wet, but I had no problems with heat or anything. It only took a few minutes.


I've drilled liverock before (actually baserock), but it was for splitting in half.
With what you want to do I would find some acrylic dowels to attach liverock together and some aquarium putty. But I would not do to many pieces like that, cause if you have to tear the tank apart, then you should have some easy to remove pieces.


Depends on the glue or apoxy, even ones listed with marine use, I've seen ingrediants listed that I would never use in my aquarium. Some even listed that say not for aquarium use. I'm sure some are safe though. Some you must use and let harden before they are submerged.
Guess what I'm saying is read everything first and determine if it is safe for your aquarium.