drilling tank need internal overflow box


ok i have ordered my bulkheads and my diamond holesaws and i'm looking for an internal overflow for my 29 g to get it going, but i can't find one anywhere
help please


Active Member
I don't know if you can buy one but you can build one yourself pretty cheap and easy....Check out melevsreef dot com he shows you how to do it


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I don't know if you can buy one but you can build one yourself pretty cheap and easy....Check out melevsreef dot com he shows you how to do it

I couldn't find anything on making an internal overflow on Melevs site. Do you know where it is? I found how to make a hang on back one. My main question is how do you bond the acrylic to the glass of the tank? I heard silicone won't bond to acrylic, so what do you use?


You will probably want to use a piece of ABS plastic. Thats what they are made out of for AGA, etc. To bend it all you need is a small benzoate torch. Heat it up, and its plyable.. cool it down its stiff.


can I use PVC sheeting? I assume its safe since its used for piping, but I don't know if it can be bonded to glass? I haven't been able to find a good place for ABS online, anyone know of any?


Yep, you can get them here: tapplastics DOT com. A far as bonding it to the glass, all you need to use is aqwuarium silcone, thats how the one in my tank is bonded in.


Originally Posted by JasenHicks
Yep, you can get them here: tapplastics DOT com. A far as bonding it to the glass, all you need to use is aqwuarium silcone, thats how the one in my tank is bonded in.
Thanks Jasen, if you ever have cause to stop in Hawaii, you have a place to stay.


New Member
Heres an even better idea. I drilled my tank and was having the same problem. Then I went to wal-mart and found a small plasic tank for bettas. It has a curve to the front of it which doesnt make it look to bad at all. Just drill a hole in the back of it with the hold saw you used on your tank. Then silicon the part of the bulkhead that goes inside your tank to the inside of the "betta overflow"(I guess you could call it that). But it works like a charm because It was only like 5 bucks and depending on where you drill the hole, thats where the water level will be. I could get some pictures if you would like.


Active Member
You can use regular acrylic in the tank for overflows........
To get the acrylic to adhere to the glass you need to rough the edges where the acrylic will be siliconed at to make the silicone adhere to the acrylic.......You can get ideas on how to make the internal overflow boxes by looking at a RR (Reef Ready) tank already done......You can simply cut 2 pieces of acrylic and glue them together to make a box, or you can bend the material to give you a seamless look....Depends how fancy you want to get with the project......