drilling tank size?


Active Member
I have two new tanks, one a 100g and a 200g. Both need to be drilled for a refgium. What size of holes will be required for each?
I am starting slow so more questions will come, ;)
I guess I am asking what size of tubes will be required for proper gph verses tank size.


Active Member
It all depends on your bulkheads. I would use a 1" for drain and a 3/4" for return.


.... as you were asking what size holes as well.
Per wamp's recommendation.... the 3/4" bulkhead will need a
1 1/2" hole and the 1" bulkhead will need a 1 3/4" hole.


Bulkhead fittings are NOT all created equal! The different manufacturer's each have their own sizes and although they are usually pretty close, they do vary. My suggestion is to decide on the size of fitting you're after i.e. 1" and then purchase the bulkhead and THEN make the final decision as to the needed "hole size." One other point when it comes to sizes, make sure to keep a record of where you get bulkhead fittings, union fittings etc. they are not interchangeable and if you need to replace one side of a union fitting you need to get a matching fitting from the same manufacturer. Just my .02 after having a problem replacing a part, much simpler to keep an equipment log so you can always go get another if you need it ;)


Active Member
Thanks everyone. Sorry I haven't been around to say so.
I am starting this tank from scratch. AllI have is the tank right now. Nothing.
Thanks again!