Drip acclimation


I have a 24 gallon AquaPod. For those of you with nano tanks, how do you handle drip acclimation? I'm concerned that by the time I've let the tank drip for 2-3 hours, I'll have drained half the water! Anyone have any advice or experience?


Active Member
Just do a constant drip until tank water has filled the bagged 1-2x with what the bag started with. Usually takes about a half hour, never had a problem with this method.


Just keep some well mixed salt water on hand all the time. You will need it for water changes anyhow. Whatever you drip out you can just replace with the new salt water.


Active Member
I never had a problem in my 12 gallon. I don't think drip acclimating the limited number of bags (you shouldn't be adding 4 fish at a time and all) will have much affect on the amount of water in your tank.


Active Member
I use a 5 gallon bucket and drip into that over a period of 1-2 hours depending on whats going in... Level does not drop much in the tank and everything is just fine!


I dont have a nano but I agree with the idea of adding new saltwater as the acclimation goes on. I try really hard not to put someone's water into my tank. You never know whats going on for shure in anybody's tank, but your own.