Dripping Kalk !!!


For those of you who currently are dripping kalkwasser, a couple of questions....
1st - What do you use to drip out of? Homemade or Kent or Natureef aquadoser?
2nd - Is there any better way or are they all the same, meaning advantages or dis. on the aquadoser compared to other ways.
3rd and last sorry :) How long does it take to go through a gallon of kalk mix?
Thank you so very much for the help, Sorry for the long post..


1. Homade 2. Not sure. This is the only one I've ever tried. 3. I always use the kalk water to topoff the tank, so I guess it depends on your tank size and your evaporation rate.

nm reef

Active Member
My drip sysytem is low tech/homemade. I drip approximately 1 gal of pre mixed kalk nightly. I set it at a slow rate and let it go over night....normally takes most of the night to add the 1 gal.
The DYI drip is easy....the line from a IV bag...and a gallon jug!