Driving while on a cell phone just isn't enough...


Active Member
I never did get that ? I can understand a game system or dvd player in the back seat of the mini van or suv . But to put a game system in a sports car serves what ? I can wait to get home from work to play video games so I'll just sit and play them in the parking lot ?
And the big flip down screen in the hatch of the SUV's . thanks but I can wait untill I get home to watch a movie of my own choice player


Active Member
Dudes. Breathe. The controls in the steering wheel only work when the car is in PARK.
Gotta read the WHOLE article


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Dudes. Breathe. The controls in the steering wheel only work when the car is in PARK.
Gotta read the WHOLE article

I did...Imagine being at a stop light behind the person... :scared: whos to stop them from puttin the car in park then???


Active Member
It sorta like back home...we had drinks that were served at a drive through in New Orleans...for the alcoholic on the go.
Some things are almost a good idea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
It sorta like back home...we had drinks that were served at a drive through in New Orleans...for the alcoholic on the go.
Some things are almost a good idea.
you are kidding right??? that is disturbing, sickening and funny all at the same time...
if I were an officer lookin to write up some tickets I would be parked right across the street from that establishment!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
you are kidding right??? that is disturbing, sickening and funny all at the same time...
if I were an officer lookin to write up some tickets I would be parked right across the street from that establishment!!!
KEEPING TABS - The Big Easy guide to bars and lounges.
New Orleans is to bars what Vegas is to casinos and Orlando is to amusement parks. The French Quarter alone has more than 300 bars. But this isn't just a city with plenty of drinks, it's got a history of drinking.
In the Big Easy, the bars don't ever have to close and they can serve you a drink to go. But the locals take their drinking so seriously that there is even a walking tour of bars and liquor history. A cocktail museum is on the way. Until recently, many parishes even allowed drive through daiquiri shops (although New Orleans has strict drunk driving laws just like every place else).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I did...Imagine being at a stop light behind the person... :scared: whos to stop them from puttin the car in park then???
hhm. ur right. Either I have far too much faith in humanity, or you're a cynic.
...or both

37g joe

Im still waiting for my xbox 360 it is on back order and I do think it cool to havea game console in a car but not for the driver. I enjoy driving about as much as playing a video game . Im a big time gamer but I still dont see the need for it to be setup so I can play it in the driver seat for that pasenger alright I can see that. The only time I could posibly see using it would be when I was waiting for someone Like my wife when she gets her hair cut but for those few time's It isnt worht the expence even with that said I could switch to a passenger seat to play. what suv I am excite is the new 2007 toyata FJ cruiser it is all retro style


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
hhm. ur right. Either I have far too much faith in humanity, or you're a cynic.
...or both

mimzy... I would opt for the third option...
<---back at ya