Droopy sarcophyton


I have two small leather corals in my tank that were added last august. Both are about 2 inches tall with crowns about one and two inches across respectively. Both seem to to have been doing well. At night they would retract their polyps but the one with the smaller crown would flop over on its side. (It attached itself to a veticle wall rather than on a flat surface.) In the morning when the lights came on the small guy would extend his polyps and stand up straigt again. Today he cannot get back up. His polyps are feeble extended.
Could these be a feeding problem or a lighting problem, or maybe a calcium problem. I feed the tank flake food and Soft and moist spirolina daily. 3-4 times a week I toss in some frozen mysid. Twice a week I pour in a couple ounces of zooplankton.
The basic tank parameters are all in line. I add a 1/2 tsp of reef advantage every two weeks when I do a 4 gallon water change. I also add a 1/4 tsp of iodine with the water change. My top off water is pure R/O D/I and nothing is added to it. I wave 110 watts of pc on a 30 gal tank.
Any thoughts on the dietary needs of the sarcophyton? Should I just put a rock behind him as a brace to keep him up? or is he starving to death?