DSB question..without turning this into a debate, please

After reading in past posts of others' successes/failures, I purchased 150 lbs. of Quickcrete sand for my 90 gallon tank. I also purchased 30 lbs. of CaribSea Aragonite. My question is, should I layer the sand putting the CaribSea stuff on top, or should I mix the two types together. This will, of course, be topped off with some live sand or a detrivore kit once it's all in.
Now, let's please not turn this into a heated debate over which type of sand should or should not go in your tank. If you have questions or comments regarding this subject, then utilize the wonderful search tool provided on the message board. For all of you that are new to message boards, if you have a question please search the message board first. It saves everyone alot of time and it cuts down on the redundancy that can appear on a board such as this one.
Thanks everyone for your help. I can tell from the research I've been doing in the archives that this board is a great board with a good group of well informed aquarists. Thanks. Lance.

mr . salty

Active Member
You might just as well mix it from the start.It will eventually end up that way..But if you like the way one looks over the other,then by all means put that on top.Then you can enjoy seeing it for awhile at least...


Though my tank is alot smaller than yours , if it matters.... I layered my sand .... I used quickrete as the base layer and followed just as you are discribing... finished with about 2" of Live on top...
It seems to be working out just fine...Salty is right though layers will mix over time..
Good Luck, hope this helps...

nm reef

Active Member
I recently added sand to the sand bed in my 55 fish only community system. Reason for adding sand was a minor problem with nitrates around 40-60ppm. My goal was to increase the DSB to a point where it could better control/reduce nitrates. I used a combination of quick crete...agra live...natures ocean LS. I did layer it but now I wish I had just mixed it together. The various layers are obvious and I think the over all appearence would have been better if iI had mixed the sands together. As far as being effective...well I went from approximately 2-3 inches of LS to a DSB closer to 6 inches. This was a few weeks ago and at that time nitrates were at 40....this morning I tested and nitrates have fallen to 10 and I expect them to fall to zero and stay 0-10 with the additional sand.


Active Member
i agree with everyone the sand will be equally effective, either way it is done, it may mix together over time and there is nothign wrong with that, but either way you do it will be fine, jus tif you add some ls i would either mix it, or put the ls on top
So mixing the live sand in is an option, too? For some reason, I thought you were supposed to put that in last and on top. Thanks, guys and gals.

mr . salty

Active Member
Most live sand is packaged in water.So this sand is WET.The quickcreate,and aggrigate are both dry,so mixing the wet with the dry WILL be a problem.You should put the dry into the tank,wait till the cloud clears,then just put the live sand on top.If you wish you can stir the live sand in a bit,but I wouldn't mess with it too much as you will only create a new cloud...


With regard to the appearance...
Not only will the sand types mix over time but you'll also quickly develop gas pockets and probably some algae growth (on the glass) beneath the sand layer, so any pleasing "look" will definately be shortlived. Imo.
On the other hand, DSB's DO work. My 90g has been up for a year, I've got a 4" DSB (argonite mixed with a 20lb bag of wet/live) and I've never had a nitrate reading over 10ppm. But my tanks have always been lightly stocked.


Active Member
I just mixed my sands in my refugium this afternoon.
Various grain sizes and types of sand.
My display tank on the other hand is not mixed.
Dry aragonite layed down first - live sand on top.
It's already getting mixed up a little by fish, snails, hermits and I guess just mixing/settling on it's own some, but there is a distinct layer between them still.