DSB question


Since i have switched to my 65 watt PC's i have started to get a purplish color algae on my sand bed. I have been doing water changes with dechlorinated tap water. How do i take care of this problem? Would getting a few chonch's help? Or doing water changes with distilled water work? I read something on the board about dinoflagalettes (sp?) and there are bubbles in some spots where the algae is.
How can i get this problem under control?

salty rick

I am not sure if diatoms come in purple, but is sounds like some type of diatom. I know that there is always some type of diatom bloom when light intensity is increased like when new lights are added. My understanding is that the tank will settle down and the problem will correct itself. Do yu have any clean-up crew? Certain snails like Narsissus and Cenith snails keep substrates clean.


I've not heard of a purple variety but they don't always have to be brown or rusty looking. They can be green. It all depends on the pigment that is carried.
A few snails will help with this.


Active Member
Check your tank water for phosphates as well as your source water. Lets see if you have some phosphates in there. Also i suggets you to check your source and tank water for silicates. If you don't have silicate test kit, just let your LFS do it for you. Diatoms and Cyanos feed of phosphates and Silicates mostly. Adding counch will not solve the root cause of the problem and won't bring it under control.