

Please bear with my dumb newbie questions....;)
My sand bed is 4" when it's flat, however, because of the water current there are places where it's less than 4" and other places (obviously) where it's more than 4". Will the "less than 4inch" places cause any problems? :confused:


1/2 LS , 1/2 dry argonite. My hope was that the LS/LR would seed the argonite. Do you think this will be ok since the sand grain is very fine, or shoud I add more sand (slowly :) )? Thanks in advance!


Whew...thanks, there are no places in my DSB that are less than 3"! Thanks for the help!:D
P.S. Great idea for your screen name!


Active Member
You need depth to create the low oxygen zone for nitrate conversion. Where the sand is to shallow the O2 will be to high for nitrate conversion and even worse if a current from a power head is digging a hole in the sand it's also forcing high O2 water down into the sand bed. This is all going to reduce the effective area in your DSB.