DT's Phtyoplankton ???


Do i have anything in my tank that would benifit from adding this? I have a bottle in my frig just wondering if i should be adding it..
I have some pulsing Xenia, some pumping Xenia, a couple "SMALL" zoo colonys, and a RBTA.
Everything else is just fish, if none of these things need the DT's what would need it? Other then a hammer and frogspawn.


Arent xenia filter feeders? I also have a hawiian feather duster... i dont think that counts as a coral though.

the reef

Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Arent xenia filter feeders? I also have a hawiian feather duster... i dont think that counts as a coral though.
if you have any inverts they will benifet as well


I have to say - I have lots of filter feeders in my tank as well as corals but I didn't notice any difference when adding DT's regularly over a several month period. That's not to say there IS no difference, it's just to say I didn't NOTICE any difference.


Xenia are filter feeders, as well as feather dusters, clams (although only for a supplement to light when on the small side), and phytoplankton will theoretically benefit all of the above and most inverts. To the best of my knowledge, a RBTA likes meatier forms of nutrition, but may also benefit from phytoplankton and I think your zoanthids would enjoy it as well.
I currently use either DT's phytoplankton or DT's oyster egges 2X per week at 1/2 the recommended dosage for my size tank. Everything in there is thriving, but its hard to say if it wouldn't be without it. I just try not to overdo it, especially with phytoplankton, because I have some corals that demand the pristine water quality that using too much phytoplankton can hinder.
Bottom line for me is that phytoplankton are always in the ocean's water columns, in refugium set-ups phytoplankton is in the water column, and it's proven that it's a valuable part of the saltwater food chain.
Hope this helps.



Active Member
Unless I missed the memo, what xenia feeds on is still undetermined.
Anemones will like dt's. If you have any dusters in your tank they'll also enjoy it.


I've actually heard, but not read, that xenia like higher levels of iodine in the water. I have 2 colonies and don't dose or test for iodine. Phytoplankton consumption is something i've heard but also never read any evidence to prove it.
I never got the memo on this either. LOL


Active Member
Well that book was crazy.. cause you can test for both.
Click here and scroll down till you find the test kits.