duh...could I be a bigger idiot?


New Member
Hello All
I'm new to saltwater aquariums (though not new to FW aquariums). Over the past decade, I've gotten a couple of degrees in marine biology (MS highest level) and have taken years of abuse from my family for always having freshwater tanks. After getting away from the family (by moving ~3000 miles from CA to Maine) they've decided to hunt me down and will be here next tuesday. I've raised (and killed) many different marine species for work, but always in a flow through system (water comes in from ocean directly) and so basically was pretty clueless when I decided (about 4 weeks ago) on all that was required for a tank at home. :notsure: Went to the LFS and spent ~$900 for set up, buying all that the guy told me to buy (boy, did he see me coming), and one $4 damsel fish. For my 30 gallon tank, he hooked me up with 50 lbs of dolomite and one ~2 lb live rock. Then I found this website, and now am fully aware of what a bone-head I've been (just goes to show ya that having an education can be pretty useless at times). I've added an addition 36 lbs of live rock, and my live sand will be coming on wednesday. I would REALLY like to have some fish in there before my family comes...will the live sand have to cycle as long as the rock did? I plan on getting (among other things) a bubble tip anemone to go along with the clownfish, but don't think I have enough light (LFS sold me a single bulb, Reef Sun 50/50 6500K trichromatic and actinic 420...is this sufficient? Also, could you recommend some corals?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I'm no expert but if you want to get lighting for a anemone. I would suggest going with metal halide lighting and if you decide to go that route I would suggest going with HQI system that uses double ended bulbs (gives more lighting power).
I suggest metal halides because it'll give you the option of adding corals if you ever decide to make it a reef tank. BUT take your time on choosing the right Metal halide setup for your tank. Keep asking questions on this board and people here will help. Might even find you a great deal online.
As for the adding a anemone and a clownfish so early........I hate to say it but the anemone would be a waste of money because your tank needs time to mature. I would say at least 6 months to be on the safe side. As for the clownfish, I know people are going to flame me for saying this but go ahead and add him. Clownfish are part of the damsel family and are a great starter fish because they can handle non pristine water better then most marine life. I know of 2 people that have added them right after setting up the tank and they were fine.
In my opinion, I would take the damsel back to the store before adding the clownfish to the tank. Only because it might be very aggressive against the clownfish. I would also purchase 2 tank raised clownfish instead of one (of the same kind of clownfish) to maybe make it easier on them and plus it'll look better.
Let the flaming begin!!!!! lol


Active Member
Ouch $900 for a 29gallon setup....
I would hold off on the anemone for a long time if ever, they just don't do well in captivity.
If you tank has cycled with the LR then you shouldn't have another cycle with the live sand, maybe a small rise in levels but it should be fine.
I don't really like to add more than one fish every two weeks in a tank as small as a 29gallon.
unless it is pairs of fish like clownfish.
Your lighting is fine for a Fish only tank, but not for a tank with corals, or anemones.
You can get inverts like snails, crabs, shrimp, they are often just as interesting as fish.