Dumb fish?



a coral banded shrimp will catch ANYthing it can grasp in its claws and eat it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
why do my fish go to my coral banded shrimp and not my cleaner shrimp?
coral banded shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) will clean fish I would leave it as is and keep a watch on the fish.
My Scopas Tang got it so I bought a Neon Goby and he cleaned the Tang Spot free!
I have not done well with aquarium treatments, Bio control is the way to go!
You cant see ich all the time, It starts as tiny adult that buries itself in the skin and then forms a cyst that you can see, a little white spot. They stay on the fish one or two days then releases new adults and the white spot falls away. If you got it you may see little holes in the skin.


My fish go to my CBS too for a cleaning. Too bad for them the CBS hates everything, and will just jump on them and attack! Those stupid fish never learn.


Active Member
Even if a fish is cleaned of white spots (ich) it doesn't get rid of it out of the tank. I would not get a cleaner shrimp or fish to get rid of ich. The only real way to be sure is hypo.


Originally Posted by GeoJ
coral banded shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) will clean fish I would leave it as is and keep a watch on the fish.
My Scopas Tang got it so I bought a Neon Goby and he cleaned the Tang Spot free!
I have not done well with aquarium treatments, Bio control is the way to go!
You cant see ich all the time, It starts as tiny adult that buries itself in the skin and then forms a cyst that you can see, a little white spot. They stay on the fish one or two days then releases new adults and the white spot falls away. If you got it you may see little holes in the skin.
I am working on tank that I would like to put Tangs in. Will all Tangs go after all inverts? Can I substitue gobies for cleaner shrimp? Thanks.


correct me if I'm wrong but isn't ich something that most aquariums/fish have that is activated by stress. I have heard that if you substitute in a little garlic (certain kind NOT cooking kind) that it will boost their amune system and help them get over ich.



Originally Posted by AdroitMind
My fish go to my CBS too for a cleaning. Too bad for them the CBS hates everything, and will just jump on them and attack!
Those stupid fish never learn.



Active Member
Originally Posted by otter
I am working on tank that I would like to put Tangs in. Will all Tangs go after all inverts? Can I substitue gobies for cleaner shrimp? Thanks.

Tangs do not generally go after inverts. For the most part they are plant eaters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
correct me if I'm wrong but isn't ich something that most aquariums/fish have that is activated by stress. I have heard that if you substitute in a little garlic (certain kind NOT cooking kind) that it will boost their amune system and help them get over ich.
Nope Ich is a parasite that is introduced by aquarists. A system where the aquariast uses proper quarantine method for all new arrivals will be ich free.
Many people soley do just rely on cleaner shrimp and adding garlic which apparently does, as you stated, boost their immune system. It's the survival of the fittest mentality. The only problem is with ich living in the system any time there is stress for example by a new addition. An outbreak is likely to occur. I used to live by this survival of the fittest school of thought until I lost everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Tangs do not generally go after inverts. For the most part they are plant eaters.
this is true but very rarely some tangs like the YT will eat the antennae off all of the shrimp it can find, and they will die from stress soon after. it happened to me and i have seen maybe 3 other posts about it on here.