dumb question: fish + corals


New Member
Here goes, ya know how you can only have so many inches of fish per gallon to have a healthy tank? Well, if you add corals, do you add them into the equation?


Active Member
No... and the inch per gallon theory is just a vague guide line too. As an example there are some Anthias that dont get large at all maybe 6" or so but are recomended for 70gal or lager tank. Each fish has specific needs and must be researched prior to purchasing one. Some very small fish need a lot of grazing room and arent suitable for small tanks.
But to answer your question the reason for the inch per gallon is to gauge the correct amount of fish so they do not produce more waste than your system can handle and break down. Corals dont produce the waste that fish do so its not adding to your bioload, in the same manner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
No... and the inch per gallon theory is just a vague guide line too. As an example there are some Anthias that dont get large at all maybe 6" or so but are recomended for 70gal or lager tank. Each fish has specific needs and must be researched prior to purchasing one. Some very small fish need a lot of grazing room and arent suitable for small tanks.
But to answer your question the reason for the inch per gallon is to gauge the correct amount of fish so they do not produce more waste than your system can handle and break down. Corals dont produce the waste that fish do so its not adding to your bioload, in the same manner.
