dumb rookie question


I am ready to upgrade my FO tank to FOWLR.......now my question is.........all of the pics I see of live rock with beautiful blooms and all the good stuff on it........is that in the rock when bought or should I be embarrassed for asking. Could someone explain the LR phenomenon to me? Please and Thank you, Ryan


I suppose there are all kinds of GRADES of live rock...lets see...
You can have base rock, dry, nothing on it. As long as you have proper water paramiters and lighting eventually you will see it become live and in time will grow coralline algea on it. Take about a year to 18 months.
Uncured live rock can have the bacteria on it, some plant life, and or other algeas, perhaps even some coralline, it may have to be cured by the person who purchases it before adding it to the tank to prevent unwanted spikes in ammonia.
Fully cured is ready to go into the tank, may or may not have coralline algea from some to completely covered. Will not need to be cured further, may even have some plant life like macro algeas on it.
Go to 10 different LFS and see what they call live rock and you will see 10 very different grades of live rock. Some of it may need further curing, smell it, if it stinks then its not fully cured.
Guess I would have to say buyer beware on this issue.



Originally posted by joec21
Are talking about corals?:confused:

Your question is directed toward whom?


I would say buy rock for its shape because eventually it gets covered up by stuff. Good or bad.
I spent way too much for 3 pieces of rock just because they were big and flat. 6 months later it looks good. WAY too much but a great hobby!


Active Member

Originally posted by blu-thang
LMAO:D Just smell it ,now thats funny.

He means that if it is fully curred it will not have that stinky odor like something is dead on it. Fully curred live rock does not smell bad. Lesley


The only dumb rookie question is, the one you did not ask.
I like to see my live rocks come with tons of life on them ,but my LFS don't sell them that way :( or at least not without a huge price mark up. So you need to do a little shopping around first.
look around as Tomas has said. But also look closely at each rock. You can get some cool stuff if you pay attention. I perfer a rock with a lot of holes over rocks that are not much better than ledges. And yes, smell it!! It should smell like the sea. the store should let you handle it, or an employee can hold it for you. BE CAREFULL IF IT HAS SPONGES ON IT. you'll kill the sponge if you subject it to air.
When you do get it home and in the tank, try not to build a "WALL" with it. build something your fish can hide in and around.. oh yeah almost forgot get a flash light and check out what lives there at night.
It maybe a hobby,
but so much responsibility comes with it.