Dumpster puppies


So I go in to work today on my day off to get my paycheck and one of our associates had a boxful of puppies! Someone had dumped the 6 pups, maybe 4-5 weeks old, in a DUMPSTER!!!!!! I was so angry I was shaking (well about the pups and something else which I'll post seperately in a minute)!!! People are so sick sometimes!!!! The poor babies were in the cold for who knows how long, filthy, and a bit dehydrated but otherwise very fat and vocal.
The vet we use agreed to give them a quick once over and wormed each of them. Plus work donated a can of puppy formula and good puppy food so I could take them home tonight to get them cleaned up and well rested for adoption. They're so exhausted by everything all they've done all day is sleep waking up only a few minutes now and then to eat puppy food and formula mush and make horrible messes on their newspaper

They're just the sweeeetest little babies!! They've been crying for their mama all day trying to nurse on everything they can get their mouths on though, poor things. You can tell they were with her right up till some MONSTER threw them in the garbage like trash and they miss her

Thank goodness she found them!!
If anyone in the Temple, Tx area is looking for a great little puppy or knows someone who'd give these babies a good home give me a yell!


Active Member
poor babies. try adding a large stuffed animal in thier box for comfort. Also try a premiee baby bottle for feedings. good luck with them, and i hope all find good homes.


Active Member
What kind of puppies are they ? other than fat fur balls . Are the bigger or smaller breed ? What part of texas names don't mean much to me but my dad lives in Brady and I might be able to talk my step mom in to a puppy.


Fat furballs covers em pretty well
They're pretty stocky though, thick legged but not huge paws, bodies maybe 8" (?) or so long? They look like they could max out anywhere from 40-60 lbs or so (give or take about 10 lbs I'd guess) but it's hard to tell. They're definitely not going to be toy sized, at least medium to large! It's so hard to tell what mix they are right now but our best guess is maybe pit with lab (especially with one all brindle and several all black). It'll get easier to tell as they get bigger. Plus anyone who adopts one is going to have to be ready for some extra work with them for a few weeks yet because they really should've nursed for at least another week or two. They eat warmed up puppy food mushed up with the puppy formula eagerly though and they slept through the night nicely. They can walk but they're still VERY clumsy and wobbly so they're at that stage where they get the food all over them and their paper and blankies have to be changed out RELIGIOUSLY many times a day, several feedings a day (3 at the VERY least and probably more), wipe them off after feedings and such... Yep, a little extra work on top of the usual puppy stuff but they really are such sweet little babies.


Active Member
Not to fear dane those pups will be fine. I breed pitbulls and I always have my litters weened by seven weeks . So I know they are eatting good and healthy before they leave for new homes after week eight. I've had my fair share of people call up with diet issues and its great to know what each pup was eatting like before they left.
Make the mush as you said let them get nice and sloopy dirty playing in it and eatting it. Don't clean them right away (don't let them be messy litle pigs though) as they will clean each other off. This helps to start the socialization at an early age. And if they are pit/mixes this will help they to prove the stereo types wrong.


Not to fear dane those pups will be fine. I breed pitbulls and I always have my litters weened by seven weeks .
I'm betting these guys would be fine even on plain canned puppy food with the way they eat so I know they'll be ok in that dept
I just want to make sure they get the best start they can after what they've been through so will be suggesting new owners add the puppy formula for another week or two or so.
Make the mush as you said let them get nice and sloopy dirty playing in it and eatting it.
No worries there! I doubt I could stop them even if I tried!

Don't clean them right away (don't let them be messy litle pigs though) as they will clean each other off.
Nope, I let em be just after eating but I do carefully wipe any sticky icky dried spots they don't clean on each other to be sure they stay clean.