Duncan Feeding question


Active Member
Ok so i got a duncan today and was trying to spot feed it some mysis but my cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp jump on top of it and snatch the food away. Will this harm the duncan or what ? What do i need to do to be able to feed it. the stupid shrimps are just vicious little eaters and go after anything and everything. Thanks if you can give me some advice


Active Member
Feed them first. Or make a cup with holes in it for water flow and put the food in there, they will catch it.


Active Member
are your shrimp friendly?
I hand a piece of meat to the shrimp when they come to investigate. They grab the food willingly, and scamper off to a cave to eat their meal and leave the duncans and dendros alone to eat.
works for me...
except, now everytime I put my hand in the tank the peppermint shrimp kind of 'bites' me. Lol

Good Luck
(you could always cover it up, it never worked for me, the cup would fall and irritate the coral, the polyps would close, and the coral would drop its meal, or the shrimp would find its way in, or something..)


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. How often do you feed the Duncan ? It seems to pretty much eat anytime i feed it. LOL


Active Member
shrimp, mysis, bloodworms, formula1, silverside, clam, anything I get at the seafood counter at the supermarket cyclops... etc.
cut a little peice and put on the polyp or target it with a turkey baster.


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
shrimp, mysis, bloodworms, formula1, silverside, clam, anything I get at the seafood counter at the supermarket cyclops... etc.
cut a little peice and put on the polyp or target it with a turkey baster.
daily is fine and all of which u suggested is fine except for the bloodworms. I wouldnt feed anything "saltwater" blood worms.
The duncans also love oyster eggs


Active Member
I feed mine once a week or whenever I remember, now I may feed them more since I gave up and moved them out of my nano, I didn't want them to outgrow it! Mines went from one polyp to ten in six months on almost no feeding, the more you feed the more they grow. I'll have to keep track of growth now that they have more light and food to see how big of a difference it'll make.


Active Member
Wow excellent advice everyone. Thanks so much ! Mine is seeming to do great. I have only been feeding it brine lately and a bit of mysis but i guess tomorrow i will feed it more mysis since no one mentions brine. And i wish it would go from 1 to 10 in 6 months. That would be awesome. Well ill post pics of it soon. They are also on my thread in Nano Tanks section.


My Duncan eat's whatever is in the water column, it is not target fed. But it is doing great. I started with 2 heads and now I have babies popping like crazy.I recieved the Dunc 10/29 with two heads and here is a current pic.


Active Member
Wow that is awesome looking the neon green base color. My base color is tannish. Are they the same thing or different species maybe ?


Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Wow that is awesome looking the neon green base color. My base color is tannish. Are they the same thing or different species maybe ?
usually the base stays green if they are not shaded and in good light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
daily is fine and all of which u suggested is fine except for the bloodworms. I wouldnt feed anything "saltwater" blood worms.
The duncans also love oyster eggs

I give bloodworms to the clown as a treat sometimes because he goes crazy... so at that point I throw some to the duncan. Its not a staple food.