Dursa vs Crocea...


Active Member
54 corner reef w 250 DE HQI 20k and 130 PC actinic 03...
Would like to add a Clam...
The LFS has a 3" "1st Grade" (?) Cobalt Blue Crocea for like $89...
And a "Matched Pair" of 6" Derasa for like $44 each...
Either one(s) would look good in my tank :D ...Are there any "Pros" or "Cons" to either that I should be aware of...
Like they are "extremely" delicate or they will grow too large for a 54 or I don't have enough light or too much light for one or the other...??
Will do some "searching", but would appreciate any advice in the meantime...


well you have enough light to keep either.croerca are one of the most light demanding clams... but as stated you could keep either... i personally like the croercas colors better than dersas... as far as hardiness, the dersas are hardier... hth


lol i know i spelled it wrong... croerca i think is how it is spelled.... lol


Active Member
If this is going to be your first Tridacnid clam, I would highly recommend the T. derasa. The T. derasa is much hardier than the T. crocea. Once you have gained some more knowledge on clam husbandry, I would recommend you then purchase one of the more "spectacular" and light demanding clams (T. maxima and T. crocea).


Active Member
That's Cool...I was "leaning" towards the Derasa for my first clam anyway (He's Bigger...:D )
Besides the "light" (sounds like I should have enough) What other "Clam Husbandry" techniques should I be looking at, that woulsd seperate the Derasa from the Crocea...
Cal...450, 4 meq/l dkh, 1250 Mag, 8.2 avg pH, dripping kalk, stable...
I suppose feeding...Any Tips...??


Active Member
The Derasa and squamosa are very good started clams but they get VERY big (The Squa's grow big very fast). In that size tank I'd try a smaller dreasa to start and see how it does..then go with a Crocea or Maxiam.