durso standpipe on a hob eshopps single u-tube overflow?


ok so i bought a eshopps 800 gph overflow to go on my 55 gallon, using a quiet one 2200 as my return pump. its loud as hell, and after searching through tons of threads about how to quiet the noise coming from them, i have decided to go with a durso standpipe. my problem is all the standpipes i have seen are on built in overflows that have lots of room in the overflow chamber. my overflow only has like a 3x3x7 (rough guesstimate in inches there) area to fit it in. so i was wondering if you all could either point me in the right direction to build a appropriate sized standpipe or show me a couple pictures of one installed on a hob overflow so i can gauge size porportions from them. any help is mucho appreciated.


Active Member
did you try running a piece of airline tubing down the drain? that made all the overflows i've used, silent.


I use a ball valve on my overflow line to accomplish the same thing a durso standpipe does. By cutting back the ball valve you can prevent air from entering the line. It takes some patience to get it just right, but a cheaper and easier solution imo. Good luck!


These are all great ideas. I had been wondering the same since there doesn't appear to be enough room for a durso.